Child Safe Standards
Faith Christian School is committed to child safety at all levels. We are a child safe organisation that seeks to provide a safe, supportive and encouraging environment where all students can thrive and achieve their God-given potential through Christ.
Sections 15 and 16 of the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Regulation 2017 (Qld) (Regulation) sets out the School’s legislative requirements for accreditation in relation to health and safety, responding to harm and the appropriate conduct of Staff and students.
The Non-State Schools Accreditation Board (NSSAB), in its Review Program Guidelines for the demonstration of compliance with the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2017 (Review Program Guidelines), requires that all cyclical review reports for the purposes of continued accreditation of Queensland Non-State Schools must specifically address whether the school’s child protection policies and procedures are compliant with relevant legal and regulatory requirements.