QCIA Information Session

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Information Session for 2024 Yr 10 Pre-QCIA program and Yr 11 QCIA program

The QCIA (Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement) program is a senior pathway for students with significant disabilities or learning disabilities who are currently working several years behind their same-age peers.  Whilst the QCIA program is only for Yr 11 and 12students, we also offer a pre-QCIA program in Yr 10 that mimics the style of learning and programs used in the Yr 11 and 12 QCIA program. 

To assist you in determining whether this pathway is the right pathway for your student, we will be holding an information session on the pre-QCIA and QCIA program.

When – Tuesday 24th October at 2:00pm. 

Where – Online using BBB through Learning@Faith – Sheryl Bergel’s personal meeting room. 

During this session, we will discuss:

Please indicate your interest in the QCIA certificate and information session by sending an RSVP to sheryl.bergel@faith.qld.edu.au.

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