Top 5 Myths about NAPLAN

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by Kylie Hitz, NAPLAN Coordinator

Mythbusters – Demystifying Naplan

Myth 1: NAPLAN Results Are the Sole Indicator of My Child’s Progress

NAPLAN Results

Contrary to popular belief, NAPLAN results are not the only demonstration of a child’s progress. There are various factors that can impact a student’s performance in a single test, such as anxiety, stress, or simply having a bad day. Therefore, it’s important to assess your child’s progress through a combination of sources, including test results, teacher evaluations, and individual consultation.

NAPLAN results can serve as a helpful tool in identifying areas in which your child may require additional support. However, these tests are not designed to capture the full range of a student’s abilities and limitations. To truly understand your child’s strengths and weaknesses, you should consider a more comprehensive approach.

Myth 2: NAPLAN Is a High-Stakes Test

NAPLAN Is a High-Stakes Test

NAPLAN is not a high-stakes test like the High School Certificate (HSC) or the Queensland Core Skills (QCS) test, which have significant consequences for a student’s future education. NAPLAN is merely a tool used to collect data and provide information to parents and schools to help identify students’ strengths and weaknesses. It is not used as an entry requirement for the next school year or secondary schooling.

Myth 3: NAPLAN Measures Intelligence

NAPLAN Measures Intelligence

It’s important to understand that NAPLAN results do not determine a child’s intelligence. NAPLAN tests do not assess higher-order thinking, creativity, or cognitive abilities like memory. Moreover, NAPLAN results can be influenced by a student’s learning language. For example, if a student is a visual learner, they may perform better on NAPLAN than an auditory or kinaesthetic learner. Therefore, it’s crucial for parents to recognize that NAPLAN results are not an indicator of a student’s intelligence.

Myth 4: The Delayed Data Release Does Not Benefit My Child

Delayed Data Release Does Not Benefit Child

The data obtained from NAPLAN testing can still be useful, even if it is released three-quarters into the school year. Students receive individual reports that show their performance in the five core areas, as well as a comparison of their results to their school and the national average. This information is also shared with the school, allowing them to modify their teaching methods to improve the areas in which students may be struggling.

Myth 5: NAPLAN Does Not Develop Life Skills

Although NAPLAN may not directly teach life skills, it does assess fundamental abilities that are essential for daily life, such as spelling, arithmetic, and reading comprehension. These skills impact various aspects of daily life, including writing a resume, calculating change, and interpreting instructions. Feedback from NAPLAN can help schools tailor their teaching to address students’ weaknesses and build upon their strengths.

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