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How Parents in Education Boost Student Success

Parents in education play a crucial role in shaping their children’s academic success and overall development through their involvement. This partnership between parents and schools is especially crucial in schools like Faith Christian School of Distance Education, where the involvement of parents can significantly impact student outcomes. This blog will explore the role of parents in education and how their active participation can boost student success.

Role of Parents in Education

The role of parents in education extends far beyond simply dropping off and picking up their children from school. Parents serve as the primary and most impactful educators in a child’s life, setting the groundwork for their educational path. From the earliest stages of life through adolescence, parent involvement in early childhood education lays the groundwork for future academic success,  even as students progress into secondary level education.

Parents provide essential support and encouragement to their children, helping them navigate through academic challenges and celebrating their successes. They serve as role models, demonstrating the value of education through their actions and attitudes. When parents make learning a priority and cultivate a positive attitude towards education, their children are inclined to mirror this behaviour.

Importance of Parents in Education

Parents in education, 
Role of parents in education,
Importance of parents in education,
parent involvement in early childhood education

The importance of parents in education cannot be overstated. Parents play a very important role in shaping their children’s academic success, emotional well-being, and overall development. Here’s why parents are indispensable in the educational journey:

1. First Educators

Parents are a child’s first teachers. From the moment they are born, children learn from their parents through observation, interaction, and guidance. Parents lay the foundation for learning by instilling values, language skills, and basic knowledge even before formal schooling begins.

2. Support System

Children thrive when they have a strong support system at home. Parents provide emotional support, encouragement, and motivation, that are crucial for overcoming obstacles and attaining success. A supportive home environment fosters confidence and resilience in students, enabling them to tackle academic hurdles with determination.

3. Positive Influence

Parents serve as role models for their children. Children often emulate their parents’ attitudes towards learning, work ethic, and values. When parents exhibit a positive attitude towards education and demonstrate enthusiasm for learning, children are more likely to develop a similar mindset. Conversely, parental disengagement or negativity can adversely impact a child’s attitude towards school and academic performance.

4. Partnership with Schools

Effective collaboration between parents and schools is vital for student success. Schools benefit greatly from parental involvement, as engaged parents contribute to a supportive learning environment, reinforce classroom teachings at home, and provide valuable insights into their child’s strengths and challenges. This partnership strengthens the educational ecosystem and enhances student outcomes.

5. Holistic Development

Education extends beyond academics; it includes social, emotional, as well as moral development. Parents are pivotal in nurturing these aspects of a child’s growth. Through meaningful interactions, discussions, and experiences, parents help their children develop essential life skills, values, and character traits that contribute to their well-being and success.

6. Advocacy and Support

Parents advocate for their children’s educational needs and rights. They ensure that their children receive appropriate resources, support services, and opportunities to thrive academically. Parental involvement in school activities, parent-teacher meetings, and decision-making processes reinforces the importance of education and underscores the value of parental engagement in the educational system.

7. Long-Term Impact

The influence of parents in education extends beyond the school years. The educational values, habits, and attitudes instilled by parents have a lasting impact on a child’s academic and professional pursuits. Children who grow up in environments where education is valued and prioritised are more likely to pursue higher education, achieve career success, and become lifelong learners.

School Values and Family Values

The alignment between school and family values is crucial for a child’s development and educational journey. These values are in sync to create a harmonious environment that nurtures the child’s growth. Here’s a look at why the convergence of school and family values is so important:

1. Consistency in Expectations

When school values mirror family values, children receive consistent messages about behaviour, ethics, and beliefs. This consistency helps them understand and internalise these values more effectively.

2. Reinforcement of Positive Behaviours

Both school and family environments can reinforce positive behaviours. For example, if honesty is valued at home and school, a child is more likely to understand the importance of this value and exhibit it in different settings.

3. Enhanced Learning

When school and family values align, children are more likely to engage actively in learning. They feel supported and understood, which creates a conducive environment for curiosity and exploration.

4. Development of Character

Schools and families both play crucial roles in shaping a child’s character. When values such as respect, empathy, and responsibility are emphasised in both settings, children are more likely to develop these qualities.

5. Stronger Sense of Identity

Consistent values between school and family help children develop a stronger sense of identity. They understand who they are, what they believe in, and how they should behave in different situations.

6. Fostering a Supportive Community

When families and schools share values, it creates a sense of community. Parents and educators can work together to support the child’s development, leading to a more cohesive and supportive environment.

7. Preparation for Life Challenges

Life is filled with challenges, and having consistent values between school and family can help children navigate these challenges more effectively. They have a solid foundation to rely on when faced with difficult decisions or situations.

8. Encouraging Open Communication

When values align, it often leads to open communication between parents, teachers, and children. Effective communication is vital for resolving problems, exchanging ideas, and collaborating to enhance the growth of the child.

In essence, the alignment of school values and family values creates a strong foundation for a child’s development. It provides consistency, reinforcement, and support, which is essential for nurturing a well-rounded individual. When families and schools work together to uphold shared values, children are better equipped to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. This cohesion is particularly significant in contexts like VET Courses QLD, where educational environments closely interact with familial influences to shape a student’s growth and success.

How to Be a Good Parent

Being a good parent involves actively participating in your child’s education and fostering a supportive learning environment at home. Here are some tips for parents to enhance their involvement in their child’s education:

1. Establish open communication with your child’s teachers and stay informed about their progress.

2. Set up a dedicated study area in your home where your child can concentrate on homework and assignments.

3. Inspire a passion for learning by participating in educational pursuits like reading books, visiting museums, or exploring nature.

4. Establish achievable goals and offer positive encouragement to inspire your child to reach their academic aspirations.

5. Prioritise your child’s well-being by promoting a healthy balance between academics, extracurricular activities, and leisure time.


In conclusion, the role of parents in education is essential for student success. At Faith Christian School of Distance Education, parents are esteemed collaborators in their children’s educational journey. By actively engaging with their child’s learning process, fostering a supportive home environment, and reinforcing shared values, parents can empower their children to reach their full potential academically, emotionally, and spiritually. It is through this collaborative effort between parents and educators that students can thrive and excel in their educational endeavours.