Letter from the Principal | 19 October 2022

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  5. Letter from the Principal | 19 October 2022

Dear Faith Families,

As you know, our Teaching staff have been working hard this year to provide a fully accredited curriculum. Each term we have produced and refined units in each of the eight key curriculum areas. As the year has developed, we have been listening to feedback and improved our process with changes like Science for 5 weeks then Hass for five weeks.

In 2023 this process will continue so that over the school year we can cover all eight key curriculum areas but not have to do all eight each week. How will this look?

Every week all students do English and Maths. As well as this, a number of the other learning areas will be covered but not all in the same week. The Science and HaSS rotation is an example of this. Another example is in The Arts. There are several strands like dance, visual arts, music, drama and media arts which allow for the development of different interests. These will be covered at different times of the year on a rotational basis. This means that in an average week there will be a reduced number of subjects to cover with all curriculum areas covered over the year. We have been trialing live lessons in Primary and Secondary and they have been well received. Added to this, each student will have a teacher interacting directly with them, regular lessons and follow up on learning. So yes, in 2023, things will be different and better. 

Our “Learning@Faith” online system will be active in the new year making the uploading of assessments and other administrative tasks easier and quicker.

 In 2023 camps and online teacher-led clubs will broaden the interactions, activities and development of our students. There will be a wide choice reflecting a broad selection of interests. A variety of opportunities will be provided to promote interaction and connection among our families.

Thank you for working with us as we build a first rate curriculum taught within a Christian Worldview.

Graeme Johnston

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