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Faith News 2023 | Term 2, Week 10

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  5. Faith News 2023 | Term 2, Week 10

Video Transcript

Well, good morning, everybody! It’s Week 10 of Term 2, end of Semester 1!

Student Events

Cross Country Recap

I had the opportunity of going down to the Cross Country down at Ipswich, and we had a wonderful time there. We had about 300 people turn up and have a wonderful day of fellowship and running like mad! We’ve got a couple of quick interviews we’re going to show you from the day.

I’ve been with Faith for many years. I love the support, the community, and the structure that Faith can give to my family. We try to come to everything. We love the community events, Cross Country, Athletics and the Workshops. I’m a single mum, so I have to support the family, but if the Workshops match with when I’m not working, we’re always there.

– Deb, Faith Parent

Regional Workshop Celebration Picnics

This week we have our Regional Picnics, and we’re celebrating ten years of Faith Christian School of Distance Education, so I hope you have a wonderful time at your picnic. We have various Workshops happening around the State, all the way from up North to out West, and we’re going to have a wonderful time! One’s even being run by one of our parents! We’re going to celebrate and have a wonderful time, and there’ll be cake! Make sure that you bring along your crazy hat. This is about as crazy a hat as the Principal gets, but nevertheless, enjoy it, celebrate, have fun, and we’ll come back to next Semester and get on with the work of school.

World Environment Day

June 5 was World Environment Day, and our Science Club members made a beautiful poster for encouraging awareness to protect our environment. Now, we know that when God created the Earth, He gave man dominion over the Earth, and our job is to use and control and look after our environment and protect it for our use and for future generations. So, it was great to see the Science kids thinking about what they should do to protect Planet Earth.

Key Reminders

Learning@Faith Digital Resources

Now, I hope that you’ve all been learning, and getting used to Learning@Faith, and being able to interact with your Teachers and upload your work. You need to know that the Term 2, in Learning@Faith, closes on Friday, 23rd of June, at midnight. After that, you won’t be able to submit any more work for Term 2. You will still be able to access the workbooks, but the work submission finishes at midnight on the 23rd of June. Term 3 opens in Learning@Faith on Wednesday, the 5th of July, on the second week of the holidays. By then, you should have had your resources posted out to you, and you’ll be well and truly ready to start for Term 3, Semester 2. You’ll be able to access the Term 3 PDFs and digital workbooks in Learning@Faith, and get everything that you need to have a successful learning experience in the third Term.

Printed Workbook Packs for Prep to Year 6

The resources for P to 6 are posted out automatically, but if you would like to purchase physical resources for Years 7 to 10, you can do that by organising that online. Some people prefer to have the written books on top of what we’re doing with our digital workbooks.


We’re coming to the end of Term 2, and on Friday, you will be able to see the talk that I gave for Faith Talks, about Jesus, the Good Shepherd. We have a loving Father, and Jesus loves us very much, as well, and He cares for us. It says in Scripture that Jesus knows us. He knows us, and we know Him. It is a relationship there that we need to foster and to grow. So, over the June-July holidays, one of the things I’ll be doing, and I encourage you to do it, as well, is to spend a few moments alone with Jesus and just pray through the year so far, and talk about things for the second half of the year. Jesus wants the best for us. He died so that we can have lives of dignity and purpose, and reestablishing that relationship on a regular basis is a wonderful thing to do. We do live in a difficult world, but that’s alright. All of us are in the same boat. We also can make sure that we make good things happen in our lives through our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, we’ll see you in the new Term. Enjoy your break and make sure that you spend time with your family, and also time with our Lord Jesus.

Where to Find Information about Faith Christian School

There’s lots of good information about everything that is happening in the School, you just need to know where to look! I assume that everybody gets their Weekly e-Newsletter, and in there are links to more information.

Email Newsletter

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There’s also the public Facebook page for our school, as well as a private Facebook group for parents and students at Faith. The Facebook group is where parents look after each other, share resources and connect with others in their local areas.

Follow @FCSDE on Facebook Join the Faith Distance Ed Families Facebook group

Learning@Faith (Password Protected Portal)

Log into Learning@Faith and follow any co-curricular groups you are interested in!

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