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Faith News 2023 | Term 3, Week 1

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Video Transcript

Well, good morning, everybody! My name is Graeme Johnston, I’m the Principal of Faith Christian School of Distance Education, and welcome to our new families! 

Term 3 Information

We’ve had over 30 students join us this Term, on top of the families who have been returning during the year, and we are very, very glad to know that you’re part of our School. But here’s some information that you need to know, so you can make the most out of every day that you are at our School. The first three days of this Term are Teacher Training Days, and they’re going to be working on skills that they need to help our School grow. Now, one of the great things about having a Distance Ed School is that they pre-recorded their lessons, so that your classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week will continue anyway, while they’re doing schoolwork to make sure that they are better at what they do, and we’re up-to-date with all the things that we need to know about education in Queensland. 

Term 3 Events

New Zealand Ski Trip

There are some big events coming up this Term, some amazing things that we’re doing because we’ve got some great people doing great things with our kids. Now, the New Zealand Ski Trip is coming up. We’re sending kids down to Queenstown, so that they can enjoy a week of snow and find out what God’s creation looks like in subzero temperatures. We’ll send you some photos of that when it’s done, and you might be able to plan to go next year. This is a Senior Trip for Grade 10s, 11s and 12s.

Athletics Carnivals

Athletics Carnivals are coming up in July and August, and they’ll be happening around the State, so I hope that you’re getting fit so you can compete in those Athletics events, both the Track and the Field events, and we will see you at a number of those around the State.

Boggabilla Mission Trip

The Boggabilla Mission Trip Take 2 is happening this Term. We went earlier in the year out to Boggabilla, and enjoyed the company of the local community, and got involved with all sorts of things, and we’re going back. We are planning on doing this twice a year, so that we can do more than just turn up and have a nice time, but actually have a positive impact in the local community, providing them with fellowship and other activities that we do. So, we look forward to that, and seeing our kids participating in a great Missions Trip.

Year 12 Graduation

Year 12 Graduation is coming up in Term 4. You need to RSVP by July 28, so that you can get a place there. Bring some people along, it’s going to be a wonderful evening of fellowship and celebration as we look at all the things that our Grade 12s have done over the last few years. 


Today is the first day, the first week of Term 3, the first week of Semester 2, and I know by now that you would have had an opportunity to read through your Reports and reflect on how things went in the first Semester. Reading Reports is always a fascinating thing. Sometimes you feel good about what you read, and other times you think, I could have done better in that area. In Isaiah, Chapter 43, Verses 18 to 19, it says this: ‘The LORD says, “Forget about what happened before, do not think about the past. Instead, look to the new things that I am going to do“‘. To ponder on the past, expect to learn what we can learn about the future, can take up a lot of energy. Pick out one or two, at the most three, things that you can do better this Semester, whether it’s personal organisation with your study, or making sure that you stick to your schedule, or tidying up your study area, or making a commitment to spend a little bit less time playing games at 1:00 in the morning, whatever it is that you need to do, so you can produce some better results this Semester. Think of it like putting things in a bank, if you save good results and deposit them in your account, then in the future, you can use that to buy more options. The future is about getting ready for the next thing coming, and in Semester 2, in 2023, we want you to get the best results you can across all the subjects that you do, so that you can learn and grow and have some great experiences.

Check out the Calendar

 You also need to check out the Calendar, there might be some co-curricular activities you’d like to have a go at. I noticed that last Semester, our students in Chess and also in Athletics, had students competing in local competitions. We have people doing all sorts of activities. It’s good to get out there and do some co-curricular activities as well. But as I reminded the people, don’t worry about the past, don’t dwell on it, but learn from it and make some good decisions in the future when the new things come along. Have a great Week 1, and we’ll see you in Week 2.

Where to Find Information about Faith Christian School

There’s lots of good information about everything that is happening in the School, you just need to know where to look! I assume that everybody gets their Weekly e-Newsletter, and in there are links to more information.

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