Note to Families: Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Act

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  5. Note to Families: Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Act

Dear Faith parents, staff and students,

As you may be aware, the Queensland Goverment is proposing to rewrite the Anti-Discrimination Act in 2024.

At present, Christian Schools can still employ staff based on their Christian Faith and ask for them to agree to reflect Biblical standards in their conduct. This will change in the new Act, where these current exemptions will only apply to staff with clear religious duties, like a Pastor or a teacher of Religious Studies. In essence, Faith Christian School will not be able to say no to employing staff who are not active Christians.

It is vital that Christian schools (as well as other faith-based organisations) have the freedom to employ staff who act in a manner consistent with the beliefs and practices of the religion on which our school is based. To prohibit a Christian school from employing Christian staff will not only alter the future of faith-based education, but will also infringe on your rights as parents to make education decisions in the best interest of your children, where Christian character is a core value.

The School Board has been discussing this and would like to invite all parents, staff and students to work with us. Being a statewide Distance Education school, we are in a unique position to have a significant part to play in influencing the Queensland Government on this issue.

The plan we have adopted has three stages:

  1. As a statewide school, Faith Christian School will write to all 93 Queensland MP’s clearly voicing our concerns and asking each member to vote against these changes as they actually create discrimination, not reduce it. This includes voting the legislation out if there is a change in government.
  2. We have written a list of the more influential MPs in this process and we will make an appointment to visit each of them in their respective offices to discuss this important matter.
  3. We are inviting all staff, parents and students to write an email to their local Member of Parliament. We have included a suggested letter, however you can of course write your own. We suggest the letter needs to include:
    1. Name of your local Queensland Member of Parliament
    2. You are writing about the impact of the proposed “Building Belonging: Review of Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Act 1991”
    3. As a Christian you want the Right to Practise your Faith in all areas of your life, including your workplace, school and community.
    4. As Christians, we are called to show Grace and Acceptance to all, just as Christ loves us unconditionally. We do not need a law to make us do this.
    5. Your opinion is that these changes increase discrimination, rather than reduce it.
    6. As a constituent in your electorate, you vote and you will vote for a member who supports your Right to Practise your Faith freely and openly.

Most important of all, please join the Faith community in regular prayer. Will we be able change the mind of the Queensland Parliament? We don’t know, however, we must do our best within the time and resources we have available.

As we know from Philippians 4:6-7, we have no reason to fear: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Thank you for joining us on this important issue.


Graeme Johnston

Principal, Faith Christian School

Online Resources:

Find Out What Electorate You Are In Find Name and Contact Details of Your Queensland Member of Parliament Sign the E-Petition

Letter Templates to Download:

Suggested Letter from a Parent Suggested Letter from a Staff Member Suggested Letter from a Student*

*Please note: While our students, especially our older students, may understand the issues, and may choose to write to their local member, it is important that it is their choice to write. It is never appropriate to make a student write a letter to anyone on any topic. It must be their choice.

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