Faith News 2023 | Term 2, Week 6

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  5. Faith News 2023 | Term 2, Week 6

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Update from Resources

It’s resource time again! Our team is starting to prepare Term 3 resources to send out to our Primary students. Now, if you need to update your addresses, you can go directly to the Parent Portal in Sentral, contact Admin for some help, they’re there, but parents can do that on their own now.

Have you moved? Update your address details in the Sentral Parent Portal.

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Senior Exams

I’m sure that you’ve been praying for our students who are going through School Exams, especially in Senior at the moment, around the State. Be in prayer for them as they do that, we want them to do very well. We’d like them to be calm, well prepared, and get the best results they possibly can, so pray for our Senior students doing exams at this time of the Term.

Parent Advisory Group Update

Now, I have a report from Mr. Dunnett about our Parents Advisory Group that’s been meeting regularly. They’ve got about ten things on their agenda, two of them have already been actioned and dealt with. There are eight more that we’re working on, I’m very excited about this. I’ve been meeting with parents and with Mark to implement the things that our parents would like to see done and some things take a little longer, but we’re onto it. Thank you very much for your input to that, it’s been a great program.

Regional Workshops: Week 10

Week 6 is normally the week that we have Workshops. Now, this Term, we’ve moved them, as you know, to Week 10, and we’re going to have a celebration, a picnic! We’re going to do some things at the end of the Term, because it is the end of the Semester. We really want to celebrate all the good things that have happened over the last six months, and prepare for the future. So, keep an eye on information that you need about what’s happening in your Region for your end-of-Term picnic in Week 10.

Student Joke:

Now, I have a joke of the week for you, again from Jerome! He seems to have an endless supply, so we’re going to share one of his jokes. 

Question: What’s the best thing about Switzerland? 

Answer: I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus! 


I just thought I’d finish today with a couple of words of encouragement. One of my favourite heroes from the Bible is Joshua. What a job he had! After Moses had taken people through the desert for 40 years and re-established things that needed to be done, he had the job of taking people into the Promised Land and he knew he was up for a fight. And at the beginning of Joshua, in Chapter 1, he mentions two words three times: strength and courage, because the people were going to have to do something hard. And I especially like the way it’s phrased in Verse 9: “Have I not commanded you to be strong and of good courage? Be not afraid, don’t be dismayed, the LORD God is with thee wherever you go.”

It wasn’t just a suggestion, it wasn’t just words of encouragement, it was a command from the Commander of the forces, Joshua. You must have strength, and you must have courage.  If we want to succeed in this world, there are things that we’re going to come up against which are less than pleasant. Sometimes, there are circumstances around us, sometimes, it s things within us, and if we follow Joshua’s words, we’re not just asked to have strength and courage, we’re commanded to have strength and courage, but not on our own, because God is with us. So, whatever circumstances you find yourself in, whether it’s just finishing off your Year 9 Maths assignment or dealing with some things happening at home, and I know there are always things happening as we’ve had families who’ve been going through some things this Term, whatever it is, your God says, Have strength, have courage, I will be with you.

Have a great week, everybody, and we’ll see you next week!

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

– Joshua 1:9 , Chapter 4:12 (ESV)

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