The 2024 Kokoda Challenge

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We’re looking to start a Kokoda Challenge team at Faith in 2024!

We are currently seeking expressions of interest for students keen to participate in the 2024 Kokoda Challenge events being held in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. The Kokoda Challenge is one of Australia’s toughest team endurance bushwalking events aimed at testing physical and mental limits whilst raising money for the Kokoda Youth Foundation. The events involve working as a team to traverse 30 km or 48 km through challenging terrain, working as a team to model the pillars of Kokoda- Courage, Mateship, Endurance and Sacrifice. 

Express your interest:

If you have an incoming Year 10, 11 or 12 student interested in participating in one of the events, please click on the link below and complete the ‘Expression of Interest Form’ so that we can move ahead with creating teams. Once teams are finalised, you will be contacted by the school with regards to training, etc.

Looking for more information? Check out the Kokoda Challenge website:

Faith Staff Contact: Anna Davies

Questions? Email Anna at

Locations and Dates:

Brisbane: Brookfield Recreation Reserve

Dates: 1-2nd June

Cost 30 km: $75 per student

Cost 48 km: $85 per student

Gold Coast: Gold Coast Hinterland

Dates: 13-14th July

Cost 30 km: $75 per student

Cost 48 km: $85 per student

What to Expect:


Teams are made up of four students and one adult leader. Students will be required to commit to three team training sessions as well as completing their own training to prepare for the group walks. The team groups walks will be supervised by the team’s adult leader in a suitable training route near to the event that the team is registered for. A relevant training schedule based on event location and duration will be provided once teams are finalised.

Equipment / Gear

The course treks across many different types of landscapes and participants need to be prepared for all possible changes in weather or personal circumstance. Students walking in the 48 km event are also likely to be walking into the night. The following gear is required:


As part of the challenge, teams are also required to help fundraise for the Kokoda Youth Foundation, a charity that runs youth programs aimed at transforming the lives of young Aussies. These programs allow youth in local communities to undertake life changing experiences, encouraging them to reach their full potential as young adults. The 30 km teams are required to raise $350 per team and the 48 km teams are required to raise $500 per team. Participants have access to a digital fundraising page which can be shared with family and friends, and the school will suggest some fun fundraising initiatives if required!

Support Crews

Each 48km event team is entitled to a support crew to assist them at one of their checkpoints (the exact location is yet to be confirmed by Kokoda but usually 15 – 20 km from the finish line). This involves providing the students with a warm meal and providing the encouragement and support needed to help students make it to the finish line. If you would be happy to help with this role, please indicate in the relevant section of the ‘Expression of Interest Form’ above.

“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance.” (Romans 5:3)

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